
The epidemiologist Dr. Predrag Kon explained on the basis of which criteria these measures were adopted, why the period after an hour after midnight is more risky than other periods of the day and how it is determined if there are more infected people late in the day. the night in a nightclub than in all other places during the day.

We ask questions of all infected people

Based on the epidemiological examination, we determine when and where the person is infected. This shows very clearly where the risk of infection is greatest.

– That means a conversation first. We ask questions about where the person was, when, what is the situation in the family when it comes to kovid, and we ask questions about the incubation period. We have individual information for everyone on all this, especially when it comes to children. These are data that can be completed over the phone. After that, we know where the risky places are, says Dr. Kon.

They behave differently after 11pm

Cafes and discos should have a limited time, so as not to prolong the time of exposure to the virus, explains Kon.

– When you shorten the time people go out earlier, you have practically reduced the risk. And regardless of the fact that people start having fun earlier than before, the behavior was determined to be different at 11pm than at 9pm. Furthermore, the duration of the exposure is still important, the shorter the better. It has reduced the number of possible infections. If the time were extended to all night, there would be much more infection, especially two to three hours after midnight.

As soon as it gets worse, it closes again

For now, the extension of the working day is not due to all of the above, because we are monitoring the smallest increase in the number of infected people and based on that we are determining measures, says Predrag Kon.

– We are already in the month in which we expect an increase and now we have to push this period of peace as far as possible. It is important that the hospital is finished. We are doing everything possible to avoid a new wave, but we are waiting for it, see that it is “burning” everywhere. I was opposed to any extension of the cafe’s working hours, because the situation is not stable. Epidemiologically, the ideal is not to work at all, but that is not possible in life. There is a certain balance and as the situation worsens, work will be banned again.


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