KORONA AT THE BELGRADE SCHOOL ON SEPTEMBER 1 Sent a child, although they were waiting for the test result, the Ministry filed a complaint against unscrupulous parents


Already on September 1, the coronavirus entered a primary school in Belgrade, and against the parents of a student who sent the infected person to school, the Ministry of Education filed a complaint with the Social Work Center for violating security of other children and negligent behavior.

This was confirmed for “Blic” by the Minister of Education, Mladen Šarčević.

The case occurred at the “Braća Jerković” primary school in the Zeleznik neighborhood of Belgrade.

As we learn, the student is in third grade and his mother sent him to school on September 1, even though he was waiting for the results of the kovid 19 test.

That is, the child was examined on August 31 and the parents, although they still did not know if the test was negative or positive, sent him along with other children to school. That the student was infected with the crown, the mother found out in the afternoon and immediately informed the teacher. However, the child has already passed the turn along with the others in the group.

The ministry reacted immediately

On that occasion, we contacted the Minister of Education, Mladen Šarčević, who says that he was briefed on the whole case from the beginning.

– As soon as we learn of the case, we immediately take all necessary protective measures. It’s just amazing that the mother, who is otherwise working in health care, sent the boy to school. After informing all authorities that the test was positive on the crown, everyone wondered why he sent him to school. Fortunately, all the children wore masks and it was a small group of students, Minister Šarčević told “Blic”.

Mladen ŠarčevićPhoto: Milan Ilic / RAS Serbia

Mladen Šarčević

A whole group of online classes

He adds that the group of students, with whom the infected student was in contact, was transferred to online classes. The teacher does not come to school either.

However, the family is subject to penalties for irresponsible behavior.

Report against parents

– The Ministry of Education sent a report against this family to the Social Work Center due to a serious violation of the safety of other children and negligent behavior – Šarčević said.

As she adds, it may be a good thing that this happened at the beginning of the school year, to serve as a lesson to everyone of what to take care of.

– Some Associations of Parents and the Council of Parents are linked to the school institution and all must take the utmost care so that such cases do not happen again – Sarcevic emphasized.

It is not yet known why the parents tested the child the day before school started, or if he had any symptoms of the disease or suspected corona virus.

We also learn that the mother works at KBC “Dragiša Mišović”, which is a covid hospital.

Dr. Kisić: There is a clear plan for what to do in such situations

On the first day of school, the epidemiologist and crisis staff member Darija Kisić Tepavčević spoke about the case of the infection, noting that the Institute of Public Health “Trampolín” and the team of epidemiologists developed a clear plan of action in all situations possible.

– All direct situations and procedures are foreseen. If there is a case in a department or two cases that are related, what percentage of departments is affected – everything is planned and depending on that, the measures may be different – he pointed out to “Blic.

According to her, in some cases there may be a tightening of all preventive procedures, for example, first of all it should be mandatory to wear a mask constantly, but also so that the entire department or the entire shift goes into self-isolation.

He noted that all institutes and institutes received recommendations and that the same algorithm will apply to the entire country.

Darija Kisić TepavčevićPhoto: Slobodan Miljevic / Tanjug

Darija Kisić Tepavčević

Kisic Tepavcevic emphasized once again for “Blic” that it is an extremely important appeal for everyone who must cooperate at all levels, and that they are all one team: parents, teachers and all citizens.

Don’t send children with symptoms to school!

– We emphasize that all children, if they have any symptoms, should stay home until it is determined if they are infected with the crown or not. We know that parents used to send their children to school when they had mild symptoms, when it came to other respiratory infections, but that should not be the case with the corona virus because children, although they have mild symptoms, can be carriers, she.

He notes that in the specific case of the Zeleznik primary school, the Ministry of Education immediately took the strictest measures, as this happened from the beginning.

– Although there was no infection in the school, this case should serve as a lesson for everyone – underlines a member of the crisis staff.
