KORONA AT BELGRADE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL: Parents sent infected student, whole group returned home


The Ministry of Education reacted by filing a complaint for violation of the safety of other children and negligent behavior at the Social Work Center.

A statement issued by the principal of the primary school “Braća Jerković” Violeta Marković, affirms that on Tuesday, after finishing classes, they received information that the third-grader tested positive for Kovid 19, and that the boy was in class that day.

– Students who attended classes in that group today and the teacher, with whom that student was in contact, will continue to teach online. The student did not present symptoms, and the students in this group, as well as the teacher, wore a protective mask all the time, as did all other students and school employees, and they followed the recommended epidemiological measures. Another group of students from the same class will continue to attend classes at the school, as they said, the ad says.

The student’s mother informed the school, and on August 31, the entire family was tested for the corona virus. The mother stated in her written statement that they were tested because she worked in a health institution.

– We have informed the Municipal Institute of Public Health, the School Administration of Belgrade and the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development. From the City Public Health Institute, we received instructions that the student should report to the doctor at the Kovid clinic of the competent Health Center, which was done and that we should not go to school for the next 14 days, starting the day of your test. After the expiration of the mentioned period, the student can return to classes, to school with the confirmation of a doctor that he is healthy, it is written in the announcement.

The school has been disinfected and all prescribed measures are being implemented. Parents are informed and warned, if there is a suspicion that someone in the family is infected, they immediately inform the school and that the children do not come to school for 14 days.

Reporters from “Novosti” visited the “Braća Jerković” primary school in Železnik yesterday, parents who were expecting their children after the end of classes, did not find out about the case of a child who received a positive test result for the virus crown.

– I have not heard that anyone is infected, the children have already started school and I am not afraid of being infected by their classmates because I simply have the feeling that we can “catch” the virus anywhere. Although, from what I noticed, children wear masks and are responsible for their age, a mother whose son attends the first grade told us.

The epidemiological measures prescribed in this eight-year-old boy are highly respected. The little ones wear masks, from a big vacation they enter school in smaller groups. Barriers are placed on the doors, which the “aunts” spray regularly with disinfectant, and then the children disinfect their hands, and the whole process is supervised by one of the teachers.


Prof. Dr. Darija Kisić Tepavčević stated that although the student is not infected at school, this case should serve as a lesson for everyone.

– We emphasize that all children, if they have any symptoms, should stay home until it is determined if they are infected with the crown or not. Parents used to send their children to school when they had mild symptoms of other respiratory infections, but that should not be the case with the corona virus because children, although they have mild symptoms, can be carriers, concludes Kisić Tepavčević.

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