Kontić was removed from the post of director of the company that founded MaxBet bookmakers


Ivan Kontić, who brutally beat a young man in Novi Sad about three weeks ago and then broke both his arms while he was unconscious, was removed from his post as director of the “Yu-Krijkos” company. This was confirmed for the first half by the Trade Records Agency.

The decision to change the data was made on Monday, based on the request filed on September 9. It is the APR registration removes the name of Ivan Kontić as legal representative, while the new director of the company is Kristijan Tot-Bagi.

The dismissal decision, which was handed over to APR, was made by a member of the company “Yu-Krijkos”, Sasa Marcheta, who has a 70% stake in this company, we were informed at the Mercantile Registers Agency. They also explain that the presence or signature of Kontić, as a former representative, is not necessary, but is sufficient for the competent bodies of the company to present the documentation on the removal of the director. That was done in the case of the company “Yu-Krijkos”, they add in APR.

Ivan Kontić (30) from Nikšić made himself known to the Serbian public after being posted on social media. video showing how he inflicted bodily injury on MM (28) from Novi Sad. The epilogue of this case is not in sight, because it is Serbian the police are still looking for Kontić.

It is supposed to be located in Montenegro.
