KONTIĆ WANTED FOR ARREST: Cruel beating MM (28) in Novi Sad reclassified as attempted murder


As confirmed to “Novosti”, the Superior Prosecutor’s Office of Novi Sad, after the Police Administration of that city filed a criminal complaint, launched an investigation against Ivan Kontić (30) and an international arrest warrant was issued against him.

The order to carry out an investigation into the attempted homicide was issued on September 12, that is, when the criminal act was reclassified and the prosecution, as they add, is collecting evidence.

Photo: Printskrin

– Since the state authorities cannot locate the suspect, an order was issued against him by decision of the Novi Sad High Court – says the Novi Sad High Prosecutor’s Office.

Just one day after the recordings of the unfortunate event on Jevrejska Street in Novi Sad “appeared” on social media, which clearly shows the brutal beating of MM, suspected of having been arrested by Ivan Kontić, the Novi Sad police to two people who are linked to this fact. . Handcuffs were placed on OL and LV’s hands and they were detained for up to 48 hours. As far as we know, they will be taken to the competent prosecutor’s office today for questioning.


ALTHOUGH some media have put Ivan Kontić in contact with “Max Bet”, the company states that it strongly condemns the violent act and brutal beating that took place near its facility, which was not operating at the time. At the same time, “Max Beta” expresses regret for the unfortunate event and the injuries suffered by the young man during the Novi Sad incident.

– We refrain from any participation in the act of violence and we emphasize that we have been collaborating with the competent authorities from the beginning to help resolve this situation – they say from “Max Beta”.

The search for Kontić has continued and, as Dejan Kovačević, head of the Directorate of Criminal Police, told some Belgrade media, an international arrest warrant has been issued against him and his arrest is expected soon.

Police and prosecutors continue to work to shed light on the case and are determining all the circumstances, as well as the motive for the brutal beating of the 28-year-old.

According to unofficial information, the beaten MM is allegedly from Belgrade and knows Kontić. Furthermore, it can be unofficially heard that he and Kontić supposedly know each other and that MM arrived in Novi Sad on August 24 to meet him and discuss some misunderstandings in the past. The investigation will determine if there is truth to these stories.

The fact is that MM entered the Emergency Center with serious injuries, broken forearm, soft tissue injuries of the head and face, chest and pelvis. After being cared for, he was discharged for treatment at home.

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