KONTIC DEFENSE OBSTACLE INVESTIGATION The perpetrator freely left the Public Prosecutor’s Office a month ago, and because of them, the investigation into the brutal beating in Novi Sad is NOW


The request of the defense of Ivan Kontić (30), suspected of brutally beating Miljan M. (28) in Novi Sad, for the exemption of the competent prosecutors, has temporarily suspended the investigation before the Prosecutor’s Office due to this beating, has known “Blic”.

That is, for almost two weeks, the investigation of the case of the beating of the suspect of Ivan Kontić has been carried out, all thanks to the defense of the suspect, who on the day of the hearing of the beaten Miljan M. (28), but also to all the others who are in a higher instance than the investigating body that carries out the procedure.

On August 24, Kontić defeated Miljan M. in front of a bar.Photo: screenshot

On August 24, Kontić defeated Miljan M. in front of a bar.

According to Blic, the defense cited “procedural omissions” as grounds for the exemption.

– They requested the exemption of the Deputy Superior Prosecutor’s Office in Novi Sad, the Superior Prosecutor’s Office of that city, the Appeals Prosecutor’s Office, as well as the Public Prosecutor’s Office. The exemption decision must be made by the Council of State Prosecutors, to which the case has not yet been submitted for consideration, says a source from “Blic” who is familiar with the case.

Attack footage:

Until a decision is made on the defense request of the fugitive Kontić, the investigation has been suspended. This means that witnesses will not be heard and no other investigative actions, such as expert opinions, will be taken.

Kontić tried to break both arms of M.Photo: screenshot

Kontić tried to break both arms of M.

– Only when the submitted application is considered, the investigation will continue where it left off. Kontić’s arrest warrant is in force and he will not be withdrawn at this stage of the procedure, says our interlocutor.

While his defense is obstructing the investigation, there is no trace of Kontic. He has been on the run for exactly a month and the controversies surrounding this case, which caused a huge storm in the public, have never received an epilogue.

As “Blic” wrote earlier, the Novi Sad prosecutor’s office supervisory commission demonstrated that neither the Superior Prosecutor’s Office nor the Basic Prosecutor’s Office made any omissions in this case, so Ivan Kontić was not arrested on at least 8 September, when came for another case. at the Novi Sad Prosecutor’s Office and freely walked outside, has yet to be announced.

Let us remind you, half an hour after midnight on August 24, in front of the bar on Jevrejska Street in Novi Sad, Kontić attacked Miljan. M. brutally beat him while the young man lay unconscious on the ground.

At one point, as can be seen from the security camera footage that appeared two weeks later, Kontić attempted to break both of the young man’s arms.

The video shows Kontić grabbing the victim by the neck, but also another young man pulling the beaten by the shirt and hitting him on the back with his knee and then on the head with his fist.

The beaten Miljan M. reported the brutal attack to the police a few hours later when he went to the hospital due to numerous injuries.

The young man lay unconscious on the ground and the beatings did not stop even then.Photo: screenshot

The young man lay unconscious on the ground and the beatings did not stop even then.

After a series of statements by the police and the prosecution where they pointed the finger that this attacker is not yet behind bars, it was clear that there was a failure in mutual communication, as the public learned that Ivan Kontić was two weeks after the brutal beating of Miljan M., accompanied by a lawyer, he entered the facilities of the Basic Public Ministry in order to resolve the criminal complaint that was presented to him in 2018 for attacking security.

When what he had finished, Kontić left the OJT facility as a free man.

Proceedings against two other persons

In addition to Kontić, who is a fugitive, OL is also being prosecuted on suspicion that he participated in the fight, while LV is being prosecuted on suspicion that he aided OL after committing the crime.
