Kon: We have provided six million doses of vaccine – Society


Epidemiologist Predrag Kon stated that Serbia, in addition to participating in the international Kovaks program, provided around six million doses of coronavirus vaccines through bilateral agreements.

Kon: We have provided six million doses of vaccine 1Photo: BETAPHOTO / GOVERNMENT OF SERBIA SLOBODAN MILJEVIC

He, as a guest on TV Pink, said that the acceleration of acquisitions depends on trust, good relationships, but personal contacts.

“The World Health Organization has already once fallen into a swine flu pandemic. The richest countries bought all the vaccines in advance. Now it has happened that the big countries have believed in international agreements and have been left in the lurch … This is not a game, everyone must protect themselves. The virus will stay, it will go to Africa, but it will return, “said the epidemiologist.

Foreign Minister Nikola Selaković said he could not speak with whom Serbia was negotiating about a new delivery of vaccines.

“The acquisition will continue within the timeframe that the president (Aleksandar Vučić) spoke about, but I, as Minister of Diplomacy, do not want to jeopardize the ongoing process,” Selaković said.

Prime Minister Ana Brnabić stated that Serbia has signed agreements for around 6.5 million vaccines and that it will have another 11 million vaccines against the corona virus on Monday or Tuesday.

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