Kon: We expect an “infamous record” of newly infected people, we are thinking of tightening the measures


Epidemiologist Predrag Kon said measures were being tightened, because it was clear that one could not stand idly by if the number of people infected with the coronavirus increased, adding that Serbia would have a new “infamous record” in the number of patients. on Tuesday. .

“This increase is expected to continue this week and next. If we can stop it, this increase will continue into the third week, but then it would slow down and it would be nice to be so paradoxical. After that, I hope we can level the curve,” Kon said. to TV Pink.

Kon said that flattening the curve will increase the number of hospitalized, that hospitals will fill up.

“We have an extremely serious period ahead of us. That applies to all of Serbia, but right now the most serious situation is in Belgrade,” Kon emphasized.

The average incubation period is five to seven days and can be as long as ten. About 98 percent are in those 10 days, a very small percentage is in 14 days. That 10-day period is increasingly seen as the longest, he noted.

Kon noted that the best evidence for virus activity is data from Belgrade, where in one day, on October 24, there were 280 coronavirus positive patients, and that is 54 percent of the total number of people tested.

He points out that there were municipalities during the peak of July in which up to 80 percent of those analyzed tested positive.

“We had a wave in July and we may have a slightly better situation compared to the rest of Europe. However, an increase in the number of patients is expected and restrictions will be necessary,” Kon predicted.

Kon emphasized that children are not a source of transmission of infection in families, that cases of severe form in children are still rare, especially at the age of ten.

The number of schools with infected children is increasing, he noted, but these are still individual cases, because the system established in schools works well: mandatory use of masks, distance, hand disinfection.

“The virus is transmitted mostly in entertainment venues, and that is where we should influence the most. The law will change because the sanction, apparently, is necessary,” Kon said.

In the collective where everyone is seated and where masks are worn, distance is kept, the possibility of transmitting the infection is only theoretical, Kon said.

“If we want the virus not to attack us, we put on masks, but everyone, there is no more negotiation about it,” Kon concluded.

Read more about kovid-19 and the consequences of the pandemic in the country and the world on the page. Coronavirus.
