Kon: This is going to take years.


16 cases of coronavirus infection have been reported in 13 Belgrade primary schools, and epidemiologist Predrag Kon says the situation is not worrisome.

Source: Tanjug

Printskrin: TV B92

Printskrin: TV B92

Kon claims that everything is under control and that at this time there is no reason for the school to close.

Kon told Tanjug that in Belgrade middle schools there were no reports of positive tests for coronavirus, while in elementary schools it was mostly individual cases.

“In a car we have the case of a brother and a sister, a child is infected and the other is in home isolation for that reason.

In the second round, there may be a transfer within the group itself, where there are two infected students, while in other rounds there are some cases, ”said Kon.

He notes that the goal is to prevent transmission of the virus and to detect patients with the mildest problems, and warns that there is a period of seasonal respiratory infections in which mild forms of kovida 19 will be almost indistinguishable from other respiratory diseases.

“That is why all children who have respiratory problems or signs of infection should stay home and parents should act as if they were a covid,” says Kon.

When asked if he was satisfied with the results of the measurements after two weeks of schooling, Kon said that he would be satisfied if there were no viruses, but that the current situation is acceptable.

He considers that at this moment there is no reason for schools to close and points out that the system is designed so that each group is a monitoring unit and that it works.

“But if the groups are sent to classes online and it reaches a percentage that limits normal functioning, they will surely react. I hope that the Ministry of Education will react first, because we, as a health supervision system, have made sure that schools, as groups in which there is a greater possibility of transfer, are still not such risky places ”, he points out Kon.

He points out that many comment on social media that car classes should stop and completely switch to the Internet one, but he believes that he is deeply angry and that there is nothing better than direct communication and learning.

“This is going to continue, no one thinks that it will end quickly, it will last for years, although not with this intensity. When a vaccine comes out, it will give its benefits, but you can’t expect the vaccine to stop, ” Kon said.
