Kon: There are very likely restrictive measures, wear masks


Epidemiologist Predrag Kon said that “very likely” at some point restrictive measures will be introduced in the fight against the coronavirus epidemic, and that now the most important thing is to warn citizens to avoid concentrations and wear protective masks.

During his guest appearance on Serbian Radio and Television, Kon stated that the movement restriction as an option is in the last place and emphasized that before that, he must ensure that there is no contact with the infected.

The introduction of additional measures should be commensurate with the situation. In addition to increasing the number of infected, we also have a filling of hospitals. It is true that this is all over our heads for some new restrictive decisions. For now, the most important thing is to tell the citizens, especially in Belgrade, they avoid rallies and wear masks, “Kon said.

Kon notes that some seasonal character of the virus is still manifesting, but it is not yet possible to say whether the virus will remain permanently in this area.

The epidemic could be stopped by the collective conscience, which, it says, can protect us until there is a vaccine.

A member of the Crisis Staff denied the information that the contacts of those infected were not monitored.

“Nobody sees the satire of the work of the entire epidemiological service in Serbia, there are four shifts, we work continuously. With each of the 100 contacts, we have to say where it was. The story that everyone is being evaluated is something that is not feasible . that have symptoms and are contacts. Examining all the contacts, in a laboratory, would be ideal, but it cannot be expected to happen “, emphasizes Kon.

Speaking about Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić’s meeting with the directors of covid hospitals, which will take place later today, Kon said that he assumes that Vučić will give his point of view and opinion on the situation caused by the corona virus epidemic in Serbia

Read more about kovid-19 and the consequences of the pandemic in the country and the world on the page. Coronavirus.
