Kon: The vaccine should not remain, as it reaches Serbia, to be used immediately – Vesti


The epidemiologist Predrag Kon evaluated that doubts about vaccination against the coronavirus is “the worst thing” that can stop the exit from the current epidemiological situation.

On a visit to Serbian Radio Television, Kon said that the vaccine “must not stay,” but that as soon as it reaches Serbia, it should be used immediately.

“There is no more waiting here. It amazes me that not everything that has arrived has already been spent.” Every day is important to us, everything that arrives must be spent as soon as possible, “said a member of the Crisis Staff for suppression of the epidemic.

Stating that Israel vaccinated nearly a million inhabitants in ten days, Kon said the speed of organizing the vaccination is not a matter of “sheer capacity” but of “direct impact on the course of the epidemic.”

“After the first two waves, we measured that 20.7 percent of the people in Serbia have some immunity, we assume that in the third wave, it exceeded 35 and reached 40 percent. “To prevent epidemic waves like the ones we had, we have to have 60 percent immunity, and if we really want to suppress the virus, we have to have more than 80 percent immunity, which means vaccinating three million or even more than people, “Conn said.

He evaluated that with the appearance of “weapons” in the form of vaccines, “day by day” it can be expected that the epidemiological situation will be easier, but also added that after Christmas an increase in the number of new infections is expected, especially in Belgrade.

“We had extraordinary citizen solidarity regarding the ban on organized New Year’s Eve, but after that, people felt the need to go for a walk. This has been seen in recent days, but it cannot be compared to the risk of a reception. “There will be some consequences, there will be some increase in Belgrade, I cannot claim for other cities,” said the epidemiologist.

No extension of the vacation was considered

When asked if the school holidays will be extended, Kon said the issue has yet to be considered, but that he believes it will not be necessary.

“We will see how the situation is after the holidays.” There was no talk of extending the holidays, but it all depends again on the development of the situation, “Kon said.

Commenting on the New Year’s wish for crisis staff to disband as soon as possible, he said the body had done “almost everything that is important.” He estimated that “for at least another half year” a body of this type will be necessary.

Read more about kovid-19 and the consequences of the pandemic in the country and the world on the page. Coronavirus.
