Kon: The state to realize that there is no more time, the individual to avoid infection.


The epidemiologist Predrag Kon assessed, on the occasion of the current epidemiological situation in Serbia, that the State “must understand that there is no more time” and that the individual “must avoid infection”.

A member of the Government Crisis Staff for the Suppression of the Epidemic also wrote on Facebook that health workers “must endure” in the conditions of constant growth in the number of new infected, those who need hospital treatment, but also those who need hospital treatment. who died from the infection.

“What can the state do? To understand that there is no more time … What can an individual do? To avoid infection … What can health workers do? To endure … We have to slow down the virus, “Kon said.

What can the state do? Understand that there is no more time … What can an individual do? To avoid infections. What can health professionals do? To support.
We need to stop the virus.

Posted by Predrag Kon on Saturday, November 14, 2020.

Previously, he stated that the Crisis Staff proposed new measures, including limiting the work of the restaurant services until 6 in the afternoon in the next two weeks and the obligation to wear a mask outdoors in pedestrian areas, while the minister Health Minister Zlatibor Loncar announced on Friday that the measures would be adopted. “for one or two days.”

Read more about kovid-19 and the consequences of the pandemic in the country and the world on the page. Coronavirus.
