Kon: The pandemic has increased mortality in Serbia


From March to June this year, about 345 more people died compared to the average mortality from 2016 to 2019, said epidemiologist and crisis staff member Predrag Kon, Voice of America reports.

Participating in the scientific conference “Infectious diseases as a global security challenge – Pavidemic kovid-19: reality and consequences”, Kon specified that the total mortality in 2020 was higher than the average from 2016 to 2019 in March. in 92, in April in 246 and in June in 92, while in May there were fewer deaths than in previous years.

According to the data presented by Kon, there were 210 deaths with a diagnosis of kovid-19, and this year there were 102 more deaths compared to the period from 2016 to 2019 in people with pneumonia where the cause of the inflammation was not specified. lungs transfers Voice of America. In cases of bacterial pneumonia, there was no increase in the number of deaths.

Presenting statistical data, Kon also said that the highest number of deaths was over 69 years old, that people aged 20-29 accounted for only one percent of the dead, while 38 percent of the dead were women and 62 percent men.

In addition, in that period, the worst was the week of April 13 to 19, when 32 people died.

According to the Deputy Minister of Education, Science and Technological Development Marina Sokovic, who is also a member of the Working Group for the Collection of Scientific Information related to Kovid-19, the Institute for the Application of Nuclear Energy developed an ELISA test during the crisis. , which has an extremely high sensitivity of 93 percent.

The president of the parliamentary foreign affairs commission, Zarko Obradovic, pointed out that the coronavirus pandemic slowed down globalization and led to the closure of states and the strengthening of the role of nation states. The pandemic has also called into question the liberal model of organization of society, there is a change in the balance of power on a global scale and China, in Obradović’s opinion, is becoming the dominant power.

Read more about kovid-19 and the consequences of the pandemic in the country and the world on the page. Coronavirus.
