Kon: The most expensive PCR test is inexpensive, it also has a deterrent function


Epidemiologist Predrag Kon stated that there is still a greater number of admissions of patients infected with the corona than discharge, and that only when the opposite happens, we can calm down and relax a little.

“The health system is under enormous temptations and incredible pressure, this can only be measured by the state of war,” Kon told TV Prva.

Speaking about the price increase for PCR tests, he stated that it is obviously an economic matter, but it also has a deterrent function, because those who want to do it just for traveling can also give up.

“Thinking about the price is not in the focus of an epidemiologist,” said Kon, who is a member of the Crisis Team for the fight against the crown.

He said that he always says that the aspect of the medical part of the Crisis Staff and the political part is “by nature the opposite.”

“But let’s be clear, we are in the same Crisis Staff. What comes out of all this is, after all, a joint decision. But you have to understand that the medical part will always be restricted if those decisions are not completely in line with what you propose “. Con said.

He also said that “if someone thinks that the medical part of the Crisis Staff lives under dictation, they are very wrong, because that is not true.”

“The sessions themselves are not a pleasant event. But you have to understand that we are all on the same task. It is clear that they are completely opposite aspects: someone protects the economy of this country, someone protects health, someone protects …” Kon said.

According to him, the vaccine is not a “magic wand”, although it is the pinnacle of medical science and will increase herd immunity, but we will have to continue living with its presence.

He said that he will receive the vaccine against kovid-19, which according to our competent drug agency is safe and that is the only criterion.

Read more about kovid-19 and the consequences of the pandemic in the country and the world on the page. Coronavirus.
