Kon: The medical part of the crisis staff is absolutely against giving in to the measures.


The epidemiologist Predrag Kon said today that the medical part of the crisis headquarters is absolutely against giving in to any measure, but that “reality is as it is” and that “they will see it again.” “In any case, the potential of the virus is slowly diminishing, we must not allow the situation to get worse,” says Kon.

He said on RTS that he did not even know why the enforcement of the measure that one can enter Serbia only with a negative PCR test was postponed for two days and is valid only from midnight.

He added that the PCR test was important and that the medical part of the crisis staff had already proposed such a measure before, but that “logistical support” should have been prepared.

He added that crowds at the borders are common at the moment and that they are even smaller than in previous years, and that the arrival of a few tens of thousands of Serbian citizens for the holidays will be a lesser blow than when 400,000 people arrived in Serbia in Easter week.

As for New Year’s Eve, Kon pointed out that it is no secret to anyone that the doctors at the crisis headquarters recommended restricting the movement from 7:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m.

“Regular reception is not a realistic option and that would be catastrophic,” Conn said, adding that the epidemic situation remains unfavorable and there are no places in hospitals.

The number of 1,002 infected in Belgrade yesterday is lower due to the weekend, and only on Tuesday will it be known if the number is actually lower, Kon noted.

He praised the hosts who passed Saint Nicholas into the family circle because, as he himself said, it was “the greatest help to the doctors” and told the citizens to “hold on” and stay in the family circle also during the New Year. .

“Now is the call to persevere and not get carried away by the opinion that this is happening because, although it is decreasing, the epidemic is still very high,” Kon said.

Kon also believes that citizens respect the measures due to the restriction, but that they are respected more than they have been so far.

It is necessary to go down to the level where we no longer have to be afraid, that is the essence, he says.

Speaking of vaccines, Kon says that he knows the data of 5,000 doses, the immunization plan was made by “Trampoline”, and the National Immunization Committee participates in that, and they will specify together with the Medicines Agency who will be given the first amounts .

“When it gets below 0.1 percent, we need to choose what is most efficient so that it can be administered first, and those who are most at risk should be chosen,” said Dr. Kon.

Read more about kovid-19 and the consequences of the pandemic in the country and the world on the page. Coronavirus.
