Kon: possible measure for returnees from abroad, but not quarantine outside the residence


Epidemiologist Predrag Kon said the Crisis Personnel session would discuss on Monday whether some form of isolation would be recommended for citizens returning from at-risk countries, but emphasized that quarantine in an institution outside the residence address was not among the options. .

“He wants us to be clairvoyant, there will be a crisis team on Monday, we have been talking about epidemiological risk for three weeks, this issue is constantly on the agenda, I have said several times that the border with Montenegro and Bosnia and Herzegovina is open for political reasons , and we are constantly saying that warnings should be given if someone returns from those countries … Quarantine in the sense of closing outside one’s apartment will not be, it is not planned, there are so-called self-isolation, we have recommended it, especially for children and we have a situation where it was respected, “Kon said at the press conference in the Serbian government.

As he said, the concrete measures will be known on Monday.

“Anyone who returns from vacation and gets into trouble, must first think about kovid and first turn it off and then be treated … It is also an obligation to tell the doctor that he came from abroad … that is an alternative, there is no other” Kon said.

Kon also says that there should be no relaxation when it comes to compliance with measures, because, he added, the percentage of currently active cases in Belgrade is growing, and that percentage is 36 percent relative to the total number of patients.

“We had a slight jump during this week, from 7 to 20 daily cases detected in Belgrade … A total of 36 percent of those infected in Serbia are infected. Kragujevac, Zajecar and Presevo are also worrying, where we have more than 8, 5 percent of patients. ” Con said.

As he says, he contacted the local crisis headquarters in Kragujevac and was warned that they would be in a state of increased attention over the weekend.

“We are in a situation in which everything depends on us, on everyone together, the schools have started to function, there are more than half a million children in primary schools, this is an epidemiological risk, but there is strict control. However, The fact you see is, when we start with those smaller numbers, we start using less protection, “Kon warned.

He adds that they are beginning to plan some gatherings on “what to think about.”

“To prevent as much as possible the behavior that allows the virus to spread … If we succeed, we will be in this acceptable state longer, even if it is not safe,” Kon said.

He does not hide that he would like the number to be reduced to zero, because, as he said, if China can, so can we.

When asked by H1 if there is pressure on crisis personnel to relax with the measures, Kon said: “If the association of the blind calls you and asks you to allow you to meet at the election conference, is it pressure? Well, no , it’s a realistic request. ” There is pressure when you find out about the concert and nobody has made any request, it is pressure. “
