Kon: Organizing a New Years Eve would be disastrous


Epidemiologist and crisis staff member Predrag Kon reiterated that organizing New Year’s Eve as if nothing were happening would be disastrous in the fight against coronavirus, and that those who will lose the most financially for that now know.

“The position of the medical department is very strong on that issue. He heard that we also mentioned the protest,” Kon told TV Prva.

When asked what that means, he replied “Nothing, but that word means” and expressed his hope that something like this was not necessary, because everyone understands that a massive New Years Eve cannot be allowed, and if we are wrong now, in the middle of January. the infected begin to grow.

When it comes to the vaccine, Kon says he didn’t have the dilemma of getting it and that there is a Drug Agency, and when it determines that it is safe, then it is safe.

He added that the state is the guarantor that vaccination is as safe as possible at this time and that you should not think about what vaccine you are receiving, because all allowed vaccines will be safe.

“Now we have weapons in hand, a vaccine, and I am convinced that next year everything will be different in the right direction,” Kon said, adding that he is optimistic, but that the hospitals are still full and now we must be the ones. more careful.

Read more about kovid-19 and the consequences of the pandemic in the country and the world on the page. Coronavirus.
