Kon: One percent of the inhabitants of Belgrade are carriers of the infection – the Society


Epidemiologist Predrag Kon said that in Belgrade, based on daily positive results of PCR tests, it can be concluded that at this time between 10,000 and 20,000 citizens are contagious on a daily basis.

Kon: One percent of the inhabitants of Belgrade are carriers of the infection 1Photo: Beta / Milan Obradović

“It is very similar to Slovakia, about one percent of the population (it is contagious). That would mean that at every party with more than 100 people, with uncontrolled contacts, loud voice or singing, the probability of becoming infected is extremely high,” Kon wrote on his Facebook profile.

He also recalled that Slovakia tested 3.6 million people with a rapid antigen test and determined that one percent of the population was contagious at the time of the test.

The mayor of Belgrade, Zoran Radojicic, said that the situation with the epidemic is “extremely serious”.

From yesterday to today, 2,112 new cases of coronavirus have been registered in Serbia and 10 people have died. A total of 62,747 people have contracted the virus in our country so far and 890 deaths have been registered.

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