Belgrade – Epidemiologist Dr. Predrag Kon declared that he would not introduce a state of emergency at this time, but that he would tighten measures, but not many.
Source: B92

TV screen shot first
He said on the morning TV Prva program, answering if the state of emergency would only save us and if he would introduce it now, he said: “I would not. I would introduce more restrictive measures, but not so much. But I would insist on the implementation of measures.” I’ve been talking about it for two months. “
He says that it was necessary to start much earlier with strict supervision. As an example, he stated that whoever does an event for 200 people until the wee hours of the morning is aware of what he is doing.
“In these pandemic conditions, you are breaking the law. And who is responsible then? It is a crime, not a crime. And now it is up to the lawyers to say so,” explained Dr. Kon, adding that the Crisis tab it has done everything that has been done so far. in his capacity and within the framework of legal regulations, but now nothing is in his hands.
That’s the key problem, Dr. Kon pointed out, is the entertainment industry.
“We could not completely suppress the virus, this is quiet for us and it started to grow. We had imports, but that was not the main thing. If we had managed to suppress it then, this would have been slower. The desire to have fun started again, contacts , “Life goes on and I don’t think about it. I come like a crow that keeps sending negative news. The fact is that the virus is there and we have seen it work in Europe and we have had some advantage. Now we are gone, “said Dr. Kon this morning on TV Prva.
Speaking of cars, he said that there you can see the “influence of the virus”, the number of infected has increased day by day, but also points out that there is no transmission, because a system has been made to work in each situation.
A grip?
“There is no flu this time of year and I complain that even after 23 years of dealing with the flu, people still don’t know when the flu starts in our country,” explained Dr. Kon.
He adds that the flu starts to appear in December, so there is a peak in January and February, but he also explains that all of this is moving with the car holidays.
Now barriers have been made with masks. Although the virus is entering schools, he says, they will not close for now because the situation is under control.
Asked when that moment will be when the state of emergency will be considered, the member of the Crisis Tab responds that for now it is not the topic of the tab.
He recalled the statement by the President of Serbia, who said that he would not sit idly by if the health system collapsed. But this is not the time for now, he said, adding that collapse is not expected.
Again he appealed for wearing a mask because “when not everyone wears a mask, then it makes you uncomfortable that you only wear it, but if it is the other way around, that everyone wears a mask, it means that there is a collective conscience and it is stupid for someone who does not wear a mask “. “.
The smart thing to do, says Kon, is to wear a mask because it’s the least it can upset everyone. “If someone doesn’t want to use it, let them go in their car,” he added.
Is there an end?
He was asked to comment on the projections of prof. Dr. Koovia At the peak of the third wave, Dr. Kon says that these projections are based on data on the increase in the number of newcomers.
“What I can say, based on my experience, and yet everything is speculation, we are in a week of promotion, the next will also be bad, and then there may be a leveling off. And that leveling again depends on us. starting in the fifth week, “said Dr. Kon.