Kon: It is estimated that between 15 and 20 percent of the population of Serbia has been crowned



The epidemiologist Predrag Kon affirmed that a part of the citizenship had already been crowned so that “there is already a certain immunity”, which the Crisis Staff for the fight against this disease, of which he is a member, estimates that it is “between 15 and 20 percent “, but also that it should be” measured “.

“Thanks to that, the situation is more favorable than when it all started. Now we have much more awareness among people, so the transmission of the virus is slowing down, but it is still not enough to stop the growth of patients. The problem is that we have many infractions “. Kon said in an interview with Politika.

He also said that the increase in the number of patients in Belgrade would be seen this week and that he thought that the total number of infected people throughout Serbia would be around 200 infected per day, “maybe some days that number will exceed that.”

“We will monitor the situation and make sure to slow down the virus as much as possible,” Kon said.

He also said that his position was that “you have to be as little as possible in the places where the virus can be transmitted, and those are inside cafes,” adding that “a mask should be worn constantly in a cafe or restaurant.”

“It has been proven that there is an increased risk of coronary heart disease when a person consumes, for example, food,” explained Kon.

Noting that it is unclear whether he maintains his position that more people died from kovida-19 in Belgrade in June than was announced, he said the resulting assessment of those statistics showed that there were more deaths than recorded at that time.

“I just said that the number of the so-called excess mortality is higher. It meant that a comprehensive review was needed. As for the current data, this is the only one we have. We communicate with all health centers on a daily basis and that data they fit in with what “We don’t have access to information systems, only IT people can get into that so-called database,” Kon said.

He also affirmed that the opinion of certain experts was expressed “completely from memory” that epidemiologists report truthful data, but that whoever has access to the database reduces it and that it is then communicated to the public.

Read more about kovid-19 and the consequences of the pandemic in the country and the world on the page. Coronavirus.
