Kon is ready to answer all the questions, but, after the end of the corona epidemic


Epidemiologist Predrag Kon said he was ready to answer all the questions sent to him by the professional organization “United Against Covid” after the end of the coronavirus epidemic.

“Dear colleagues of ‘Unidos contra kovid’, all your questions are useful (even the malicious ones) and I think you should continue with the criticism. The moment of the reconsideration of responsibility is ahead. I wish you all the best!”, He wrote Kon on Facebook. .

Dear fellow “United Against Kovid” all your questions are helpful (even malicious ones) and I think you should …

Posted by Predrag Kon on Wednesday, December 02, 2020

According to him, he assumes his personal responsibility “unswervingly” and is ready to answer all questions once the epidemic is over.

“What we are experiencing is a historic struggle to save the lives of the Serbian population. Many of you are in that struggle and I listen to you with respect. Unfortunately, there is politics and some criticism that I reject. It should be understood that you also have a great responsibility at this time. I hope you are fully aware of that, that you accept it and use it when the time comes for reconsideration, “said the epidemiologist.

Read more about kovid-19 and the consequences of the pandemic in the country and the world on the page. Coronavirus.
