Kon: Introducing a state of emergency is not an option for now, it is not being considered.


Epidemiologist Predrag Kon stated that the introduction of a state of emergency in Serbia is not an option for now and that it is not being considered, that is, it will depend on the behavior of citizens in which direction the epidemiological picture will develop.

In the next few days, he expects there to be an increase in virus activity and a triple-digit number of infected a day, although that number should be below 200.

As Kon told RTS, the largest number of infected people is in Belgrade and, for now, it is estimated that around five percent of infected people are “spilled” from the environment, while the greatest transmission of the disease is It occurs in the population aged 20 to 40 years.

Kon added that coronavirus was detected in 25 schools last week, but all sporadic cases are well monitored.

“If we fail to maintain good supervision in schools, then there may be restrictive measures in some schools, but that is not an option at this time. If there is a deterioration, in some schools it is not impossible to switch to online teaching, but it doesn’t apply to all schools, ”Conn said.

When asked about the drug “remdesivir”, which is available in Serbia from today, Kon explained that it does not help in suppressing the epidemic, but that it can possibly help those who are already sick, reiterating that “infectologists They insist that not much is said. “, but that it is certainly” good to be present. “

Read more news about Kovid-19 and the consequences of the pandemic in the country and the world in the page Coronavirus.
