Epidemiologist Predrag Kon said that “there are no new doctors” who can help the Serbian health system in the fight against the coronavirus.
Source: Beta

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He stated that “a student volunteer cannot work with the most difficult cases.
Kon told RTV Vojvodina that the situation throughout Serbia is critical, especially in Belgrade, where “it went from emergency to catastrophic.”
When asked if triage would be “the next scenario for Serbia,” Kon said that still might not happen and that he hoped that patients would not return to their homes in Serbia because help could not be provided.
As he said, “as far as he knows”, no one has returned home due to lack of space yet.
When asked if there would be a new shutdown or a state of emergency, Kon said yes. does not plan to close as in March and April, nor a state of emergency.
“Now nothing is known about the introduction of a state of emergency. At first, it was necessary, because the virus was unknown to us,” said the epidemiologist.
Said Now he is thinking of reducing the working hours of the catering, working from home, kindergartens and teaching in schools.