KON EXPLAINS THE DECISION OF THE CRISIS STAFF: Revealed what was discussed in the session, severe penalties for violating the measures


Dr. Kon explained to TV Prva that the main discussion in today’s session was the sanction of those who violate the measures that have already been introduced in Serbia.

– That was the most important thing today, but it is clear that the situation is monitored daily and that you have to react daily – he said.

When asked what the legal measures are, he says that “if we have a ban on gathering more than 30 people, as a measure, and a ban on working after 11 at night, and we have it violated, it is about not implement the measures. That is not a question for me, but for all the authorities that deal with it. “

As he explains, there was relaxation and relaxation in the part of the public, small but very noisy. But healthcare workers who have been battling kovid-19 for months are slowly rebelling when they see that some measures are not being followed.

– It is important to use measures, to use masks because where they were used, it was shown that there was a decrease in the number of infected – concluded Dr. Kon.


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