Kon explained: if people will be supervised and go to work


Greater supervision for Serbian citizens returning from abroad means reporting to a health institution, says epidemiologist Predrag Kon.

Source: Tanjug

Photo: Printskrin TV B92

Photo: Printskrin TV B92

This includes the obligation, if they have any problems, to inform the kovid ambulance of the health center.

He told Tanjug that citizens returning from abroad to Serbia can return to work normally with compliance with epidemiological measures: avoid close contact, keep distance and wear a mask.

“They should take care of those 10 days and understand that they may be in some asymptomatic form of contagion, because the fact is that, let’s say, in Montenegro, the virus activity is 20 times higher than in Serbia, and that is not a small thing,” said Kon .

It is estimated, he emphasizes, that in the next period until October, about 50,000 citizens will return to Serbia weekly. As he himself says, supervision is not conceived as something that bothers people, but should help everyone.

“A person who comes from abroad has an obligation to the state to inform the health system that he has arrived. If he has difficulties, he should not make his own assessment, this is nothing, it happens often, because the mild forms are the most dangerous, but inform kovid-ambulance, “he stated.

After the 10th day, returnees from abroad are obliged to log out of the health care system upon request.

Registration does not mean that citizens physically go to a health center, but they are more likely to do so by phone or electronically. Kon explains that it was impossible to introduce sanitary surveillance because by law it would last 14 days and citizens would be obliged to inform the local institution on a daily basis.

“The local institutes cannot bear it, it would be a huge burden. On the other hand, it cannot be guaranteed that everyone will receive written decisions, we are talking about 50,000 people a week,” he said.

The virus activity in all European countries, especially in the surrounding countries, is many times higher than in Serbia, so Crisis Tab decided to intensify surveillance, and not just appeals. Kon says that the increased supervision measure does not apply to citizens living in the border area, because most of them go to the neighboring country every day to work, buy or cultivate the land.

“The crisis tab informed them that supervision did not apply to them,” Kon concluded. The intensified supervision measure for all citizens of Serbia returning from abroad will take effect on Friday, September 18 at 6 pm A negative PCR test is mandatory for foreigners entering Serbia.
