Kon: epidemiological emergency situation in Belgrade


There is an extraordinary epidemiological situation in Belgrade, because for more than a week around 1,200 infected people have been registered every day, says epidemiologist Predrag Kon.

Source: Tanjug



Kon adds that it will be seen at the end of the week if this is the maximum or if the number of new infected will increase.

He emphasized for Tanjug that the number of newly infected people is also growing in Novi Sad, Kragujevac, Kraljevo and explains that the epidemiological situation in the capital is extraordinary, because one in every 1,000 inhabitants is actively sick.

“We will monitor the situation. In Belgium and Bulgaria, it seems that the peak has reached and has started to weaken. However, the number of infected people continues to grow in other countries. We are now in the sixth week of increase, should be blamed soon flatten “Conn said.

The fact that Belgrade hospitals are filling up rapidly, as he says, is the most reliable indicator that the intensity of virus activity is high. Explain that there are a large number of infected people who are not registered, because they do not have any symptoms.

“A critical situation arises when there are not enough places in the hospitals and when we have to react in different ways, creating temporary supplementary hospitals. However, there is the question of equipment, personnel and conditions to treat patients, ”said Kon.

Population surveys, which were conducted in Western European countries (how many people have antibodies because they exceeded the crown), indicated that the number of infected people is 10 to 20 times higher than the number that is officially registered.

“By analogy, if you have an average of 1,000 infected people a day, then you have between 10,000 and 20,000 people a day who are contagious without even knowing it. It must be said that they slowly stop being contagious after a week to ten days, after 14 days, certainly, that number cannot simply be added, ”he explained.

When asked if all contacts should be tested to prevent spread, he said there was a discussion about the WHO recommendation that testing be done constantly, but Kon said the tests served no purpose unless resolve the isolation of all infected people. and how it will be controlled.

“In Slovakia, 3.6 million people have been tested and are 1 percent infected. The same would happen in Belgrade if we did mass testing now. So everyone, whether tested or not , it has nothing to look for collectively, it has no right to spread the infection, regardless of whether it has proven that it is covid or not, “said Kon.

He points out that the ideal would be to test all contacts and states that perhaps Serbia will get into that situation, because the number of rapid antigen tests increases, then the number of laboratories that perform tests, and private laboratories are included.

“The involvement of private laboratories raises additional problems in terms of supervision. They must be included in the supervision and it must be known how many positives there are of those that are tested in them. These are all problems that must be solved on the fly. It would be better to solve them more. Quick”. , he stated.

When asked if that means that the official data that is reported daily does not include those that are tested in private laboratories, Kon said that, as far as he knows, it does not.

“It is good that a large number of people who have milder problems and want to get tested, have the opportunity to do it in private laboratories. All those who obtain a positive result must report to the covid clinic and join the system. Labs that do such research should inform it, “he said.

He adds that the system must continue to develop, and in this case it will have to be done “quickly and efficiently”.

When asked who controls and if the measure of self-isolation and home quarantine is respected, for those who test positive for coronavirus and do not present symptoms or have a milder clinical picture, he said that a health inspection is working, but that supervision in that segment is not appropriate.

He hopes that the amendments to the Law for the Protection of the Population against Infectious Diseases will provide a legal framework for better control.

“It is not only the control of restaurants, cafes, clubs, but also the implementation of isolation and home quarantine should be controlled. It only worked during the state of emergency. I hope that the control is better by modifying the law,” Kon said.

He explains that the sanitary inspection issues self-isolation decisions and sends them by mail, that sometimes a week passes before the solution arrives and that there is no supervision during that time.

“During the state of emergency, the police controlled whether the self-isolation measure was respected. A closer organization and the way it will be done in the future will have to be brought in by the competent services. It is important that they have a legal framework in place. that they can do it, “he emphasized.

Kon says that it should have been done earlier, but that up to now they have been consistently convinced that the law is good and that everything can be implemented on the basis of it.

“Whenever controls or sanctions were to be carried out, it was seen that the law was very porous. Those changes were necessary and are currently the most important to improve control, but also to sanction those who do not adhere to the measures,” he said.

Commenting on the threats and curses sent to him through a video shared on social media, Kon said that “the joy was exaggerated” but that all anger and frustration must be directed against the virus.

“We cannot act as if there is no virus and we do not think about it. You have to make these happy people aware, because they do not think about it. It can hit them on the head, especially those closest to you. My message is: wear it. Masks, and we take care of everyone equally ”, he concluded.
