Kon: Encourages a smaller number of patients in Belgrade, Crisis staff on Wednesday about schools


The Serbian government epidemiologist and crisis staff member for the fight against the coronavirus epidemic, Predrag Kon, stated that he was encouraged that the proportion of infected people in Belgrade was reduced from 50 to 30 percent in the total number of newly infected people in Serbia.

Kon told Serbian Radio Television (RTS) that the current situation was “unfavorable, extraordinary and partly catastrophic”, but that for five days the participation of Belgrade has not exceeded 2,200 registered cases, which is the maximum so far.

“The virus (in Belgrade) has reached that maximum, now the question is how it will continue,” he said.

Commenting on the funeral of the Serbian Orthodox Church Patriarch Irinej, Kon said that the consequences of the presence of citizens will be seen in a week.

He said that tomorrow there will be a session of the Crisis Staff on the measures introduced and the proposed measures that have been “postponed”, such as the transition to online classes.

“If a decision will be made, I can’t say anything in advance,” Conn said.

The director of the office of the World Health Organization (WHO) in Serbia, Marijan Ivanuša, said that Serbia is the second in Europe in the number of new infections in the last seven days.

“It is aggravating that the number of patients is increasing. In this epidemic, the numbers are always late. People who were diagnosed today were infected a week or more ago,” he said.

Ivanuša stressed that only wearing protective masks would slow the spread of the epidemic, and when only 60 percent of citizens wear masks, they “threaten to shut down” the entire country.

Read more about kovid-19 and the consequences of the pandemic in the country and the world on the page. Coronavirus.
