Kon: Doctors at headquarters are ready to protest if the easing of the measures continues


Epidemiologist Predrag Kon said that new amounts of the Pfizer vaccine would arrive every seven days during January, that it would be around 50,000 doses in January, and that double the doses were expected in February.

He told TV Nova S that Serbia expected 340,000 doses of the vaccine in the first quarter, including Chinese and Russian vaccines, but that it would reach around 290,000, because Pfizer did not deliver all the required quantities.

“More work is expected from the Agency for Medicines and Medical Devices, analysis of samples (Chinese and Russian manufacturers) that they received. According to the information that was announced, all vaccines are expected in January … We cannot expect that all centers health have all three types of vaccines. If someone wants (a vaccine) from a single manufacturer, they may have to wait, “Kon said.

A member of the crisis staff said that Serbia has been vaccinating against the flu for years with around 300,000 doses, which means that it will reach approximate figures during the first quarter.

Kon said that the medical part of the Crisis Staff is ready for a “protest” in case the easing of anti-epidemiological measures is prolonged, and that on Monday it will be announced what restrictions will be in force for the next holidays.

“We are all ready to say publicly that we are against concessions and (permits) to celebrate the New Year. The hospitals are still full, we have a lot of people in intensive care and on a respirator … Celebrate with singing it is completely unacceptable and we should not, “said the epidemiologist, noting that physicians cannot consider economic factors when making such decisions.

Speaking of shopping, Kon said that shopping malls should operate according to recommendations, which include rangers and limiting the number of people inside.

He also claimed that after the vaccination he received earlier this week, he feels fine and that the pain in his hand that appeared lasted only one day.

“For a week after the second dose, there is protection and antibodies start to form after two weeks,” added Kon.
