Kon: Defined vaccination plan: first health workers, then nursing homes


The fact that the vaccines have reached our country is great news, the epidemiologist and member of the Crisis Staff Predrag Kon told TV Prva, adding that “according to the plan that has been made, the most threatened are clearly defined, they are health workers, then all the employees in nursing homes, and then the users of the nursing homes themselves. “

He also said that there is now a coordination team for immunization.

“It is clear in detail what the priority is. Now, the distribution and use of these vaccines need to be agreed in detail. This will require good harmonization from everyone. The vaccine is binding on everyone who works with patients, especially the non-covid vaccine. Kon said.

Ready to be vaccinated

He says there was a dilemma whether crisis personnel should have been vaccinated first.

“I’m ready, I think it would be a good message, but we will work according to the operational plan. The phases according to which they will be vaccinated have been determined, depending on the number of doses of vaccines,” Kon emphasized.

He said the approved amount is over 20,000, this is just the first part, it’s specifically about this vaccine, and then it follows in January, February.

“I hear from our eminent experts who are confused when it comes to the vaccine. It is neither theirs nor mine to talk about it. This country has a regulatory body, and it is ALIMS and no one else. Whichever vaccine gets certified, I’ll get some. ” Con said.

For herd immunity, 20 percent of the population needs to be vaccinated

He says that even if 20% of the population receives the vaccine, it is enough for herd immunity.

As for the other vaccines, Chinese and Russian, he says he would choose whichever is offered.

“There are many experts who talk about what comes to mind. If I were to talk about what comes to mind like this, everyone would listen to me and it would be very interesting. But this is a security issue,” Kon emphasized.

The medical part of the crisis personnel did not support the flexibility of the measures

Kon reiterated that the medical part of the crisis personnel did not support the relaxation of the measures.

“There are other arguments, say from the Chamber of Commerce, that have prevailed. It gives me chills when I hear their arguments. Just as everyone shudders when they hear the arguments of medical work and about the occupation of hospitals,” Kon said.

When it comes to the New Year, he says that it is unrealistic for someone to think that in this situation he can celebrate as in previous years.

“Those who make reservations close their eyes to reality. It is unrealistic, I cannot say anything more. It is important to cross opinions in the crisis staff. I do not know who will defend the opinion that the New Year can be celebrated normally,” Kon said. . , reports B92.

Read more about kovid-19 and the consequences of the pandemic in the country and the world on the page. Coronavirus.
