Kon: Coronavirus can only be stopped if contacts are denied


The epidemiologist Predrag Kon stated that the coronavirus must be stopped and that this is only possible if contacts are denied, and that implies certain measures that must be implemented.

Kon told RTS that the measures, if clearly understood, should be time-limited and clearly stated that they will last for two weeks, so that the results can be seen.

She said that no action was taken today, that the Prime Minister listened well to what was being proposed and said she would think about it.

“Now we are in some decisions, rethinking ourselves,” Kon said, adding that balance is sought and what is more favorable.

Recalling that today the law that enables controls was passed, Kon said that all of this is important, but also warned that time is running out and that it goes over our necks.

He says that contacts should be avoided, and that they are more important in places of entertainment, nightlife and clubs, or where one sits for a long time without masks.

“Whatever the measures, they are necessary, and that is to prohibit the transmission of the virus, and you know where the transmission of the virus is and you have to close it,” Kon said.

He pointed out that we did not use September as much as we could and stated that the figures in France, Belgium and the Netherlands started to fall, but that there are quite rigorous measures there and it certainly has an impact.

Kon explained that we are now in the sixth week of this wave and that the strength and potential of the virus should gradually lose, but points out that it is speculation and that we are entering the winter season and therefore we must be careful.

Read more about kovid-19 and the consequences of the pandemic in the country and the world on the page. Coronavirus.
