Kon: Belgrade at the beginning of the third wave of coronavirus, expect an increase in the number of patients


Epidemiologist Predrag Kon claimed that the capital entered the third surge or start of the third coronavirus wave last week, and that an increase in the number of patients can be expected in the next two weeks.

Kon assessed that Serbia is now in the same situation as in mid-June, when it was experienced that there were no recommendations and when it was believed that there was no more epidemic.

Now that we talk about it, it is mandatory to wear a mask indoors, to maintain distance and hand hygiene. It’s unusual that the recommendation to wear masks outdoors didn’t reach the public at all, Kon stated for Pink TV.

We may have a reduction in the number of patients today, because it was a weekend and fewer people were calling, he added. If we do not understand that this is a situation in which it boils across Europe, we enter winter when respiratory diseases dominate, and so does Kovid, if we do not understand that the recommendations are important, then we are in trouble, he said.

In the next two weeks, an increase and even a spread of the virus can be expected, not only in Belgrade but throughout Serbia. That awaits us in natural flow, and the speed of that flow depends on the implementation of measures, Kon said.

A system has been established in schools so that transmission does not occur in schools, but it can enter schools, Kon said, and that is why children stand out, but there is a risk that teachers and teachers will get sick.

At one point, it will be more rational, I am talking about November, talking about the temporary interruption of the work of the schools, but the most important thing at the moment is the large teams with several thousand employees, said Kon.

Read more news about Kovid-19 and the consequences of the pandemic in the country and the world in the page Coronavirus.
