KOMUNALNA was shocked when she walked into the big WET LUG tonight! There were more than 20 of them in the cafe with a live concert! AND JUST AN EXPLANATION TO LISTEN


BELGRADE – A restaurant in Veliki Mokri Lug was closed last night by order of the Communal Militia, and a report was filed against the owner for non-compliance with epidemiological measures during the epidemic, Belgrade media reports.

Police and communal militia patrols arrived at the catering facility around 8.45pm after citizens reported that there were a large number of people inside and that music could be heard at full volume, Pink writes. It was established that there are more than 20 people in the cafe and that the Serbian Government’s measures to prohibit meetings are not respected due to the epidemiological situation.

The restaurant owner said that there were 21 musicians in the facility, that a program that was broadcast over the Internet was allegedly being recorded and that he did not report the incident to the competent authority.

The communal militia, with the assistance of the police patrol, emptied the bar and filed a corresponding report against the owner.

(Kurir.rs/Tanjug/Foto: Ilustracija)

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Author: delivery courier
