Kommersant: Metropolitan Amfilohije was a contradictory figure – the Society


The Metropolitan of Montenegro and the Littoral, who was buried today, was a contradictory figure because, on the one hand, he was an influential bishop and an educated theologian, and on the other hand, an active protector of the war criminals Ratko Mladic and Radovan Karadzic convicted by the court in The Hague. Merchant.

Kommersant: Metropolitan Amfilohije was a contradictory figure 1Photo: Miroslav Dragojevic

“He was still called the Metropolitan of Prayers and Curses, because he not only harshly criticized his opponents, but also cursed them, along with their families and descendants,” the newspaper writes, adding that it does not recognize Montenegrins as a nation with its own history. invented in Tito’s laboratory.

The newspaper writes that in recent years, the Serbian Orthodox Church, led by Amfilohije, has become involved in politics, openly coming into conflict with the authorities after the approval of the Law on Religious Freedom.

“It is not surprising that many consider that the winner of the last elections is not the opposition but Metropolitan Amfilohije,” the newspaper writes.

Kommersant writes that the Montenegrin metropolitan’s relations with Belgrade were very tense, especially with President Aleksandar Vučić, whom Amfilohije accused of betraying Serbian interests in Kosovo.

Vučić still attended the funeral, and Serbian Orthodox Church circles explained that he was not invited to the funeral, the newspaper adds.

The call of the authorities, doctors and the metropolitan to respect the measures in the fight against the coronavirus at today’s funeral of the Metropolitan of Montenegro and the Litoral, Amfilohije, was not respected by many, says the newspaper.

“The masks were only worn by individuals, the people in and around the temple were crowded together, not respecting the distance, hundreds of people approached the open coffin and loved the deceased who died from the corona virus,” the newspaper writes.

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