Koluvija confessed to the lawyers: A high state official called me on the phone and said that he would blame Andrej Vučić for everything.



03.01.2021. 07:59

Coluvia told his advocates that during the arrest he overheard a “powerful man from the top of the state.”

Predrag Koluvija

Predrag Koluvija, Photo: Printskrin

Predrag Koluvija, owner of the “Jovanjica” plantation who is on trial since more than four tons of marijuana were found on his farm in November 2019, claims that a senior state official told him on the same day he was arrested that he should blame everything on Andrej Vučić, brother of the President of Serbia , Reveals the Informer!

Koluvija told this to his lawyers during the preparations for the defense, the first part of which he presented to the Special Court in Belgrade on Monday and Tuesday.

Coluvia told his advocates that during the arrest he overheard a “powerful man from the top of the state.”

– Coluvia said that during the arrest, one of the policemen gave him his cell phone and told him to call because someone has something important to tell him. He said that on the other end of the wire, he was one of the most influential people, a senior state official. The man told him to say everything he had and to “freely accuse Andrej Vučić”. Immediately after, he hung up. Koluvija immediately returned the phone to the policeman, who immediately rushed away from there … After being taken to the police, as he already said in court, the head of the MUP operation, Dušan Mitic, persuaded him to do the same and He falsely accused Andrej, reports Infomer’s source.

Koluvija told the Special Court that after his arrest in November last year, he was persuaded to falsely accuse Andrej Vucic and businessman Zvonko Veselinovic, to which he said he did not agree. According to him, this “offer” came from the head of operations of the Ministry of the Interior, Dušan Matić. Koluvija also said in Special Court that he was forced to say that he took money from the sale of marijuana to BIA Director Bratislav Gasic for “state black funds”, which he also refused to do.

Silent blow

Commenting on all these accusations, former intelligence officer Bozidar Spasic believes that Koluvija’s testimony creates serious suspicions that political structures interfered in the investigation.

– A detailed investigation must be carried out on who the police officers contacted, in what order they acted and why all this was not verified before. Obviously, there are political structures that tried to subvert Vučić’s brother to harm the president of the state. This was a silent coup attempt and that is why a thorough and professional investigation is needed, especially among the police officers who attended Koluvija’s arrest and questioning, to determine who the person who called Koluvija was and by whom – Spasic emphasizes.
