Kojicka got naked and covered her breasts only with gifts! (PHOTO)


Severina Kojić decided to use the extra free time due to the coronavirus pandemic and earn it in another way: filming an advertising campaign, completely naked.

Severina Kojic
photo: Pritnscreen / Instagram

While her colleagues complain that they do not have performances and that they do not know how they will survive financially, the Croatian singer is not worried about her work. That is why she accepted cooperation with a Croatian company and became its model, and on that occasion she decided to please and honor her fans with nude photos. A video of the singer from the photo session appeared on the Instagram profile of that brand, where in addition to throwing gifts, she wears a Santa hat, poses naked, that is, topless.

Severina Kojic
photo: Printscreen iNstagram

At one point, Seva lay down on the floor and her assistants covered only the explicit part, her breasts, with bundles wrapped in red bows.

Severina Kojic
photo: Printscreen iNstagram

The video also shows that Kojićka is only wearing red panties, but also that she is still in top shape and did not gain weight during the pandemic.

Severina Kojic
photo: Printscreen iNstagram

While posing nude, Seva laughed and looked relaxed, and her fans were delighted, telling her they were eager to see the photos.


Kurir.rs/ JS / Photo: ATA Images

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