Koha – Serbs built churches over Illyrian and Arberian temples, Đurić – National and religious intolerance is increasing


Koha of Pristina again claims that the Serbian shrines in Kosovo and Metohija were built on “ancient Illyrian and Arberian temples” in the Middle Ages.

Koha, for example, claims, referring to the investigation of one Edi Shukri, that the Church of the Mother of God Ljeviska in Prizren was built on the foundations of an earlier church, stating that “King Milutin is known to have appropriated the cathedral church of St. Petka in 1307. Bogorodica Ljeviska) in Prizren, which was the seat of the episcopate of Prizren, “Kosovo reports online.

It is added that the Church of Saint Petka was built on a basilica temple from the Roman period of the 5th-6th centuries and on the foundations of an earlier church from the 11th and 12th centuries, and that it acquired its modern form after reconstruction by Serbian King Milutin (1307). changed the name, dedicating the restoration to the saint.

Photo: z. lončarević / RAS Serbia

Koha also claims that the Ljeviska Church of the Mother of God bears several different names that were used in different periods and languages ​​during the life of the church, namely: Albanian – Sveta Prenda, Sveta Prena / Šeneprena, Sveta Petka; Greek church; Serbian: Sveta Petka, Sveta Bogorodica Ljeviska; Turkish: Juma Mosque.

Šukrija claims that the archaeological and architectural research was carried out by researcher S. Nenadović during 1950-1952. year and which determined three construction phases: the early Byzantine basilica, the 13th century Byzantine basilica and the renovated church 1306/07. years.

Koha believes that Shukri’s research confirms that the development of St. Petka’s Church in Prizren had nine phases and that the temple existed even before the Roman period.

Đurić: Koha incites national and religious intolerance

The director of the Serbian Government Office for Kosovo and Metohija, Marko Đurić, today assessed that the Pristina Koha newspaper, by denying the medieval Serbian heritage in Kosovo and Metohija, “incites national and religious intolerance by spreading serious historical forgeries “.

– The stubborn attempts by revisionists and forgers of history to steal the Serbian medieval cultural and spiritual heritage in Kosovo and Metohija by misrepresenting the facts are doomed, because there is no material evidence or methodological constructions to show that they are not Serb – Djuric said in a statement press.

Đurić: There is no material evidence or methodological constructions that can prove that they are not Serbs.Photo: Mitar Mitrović / RAS Serbia

Đurić: There is no material evidence or methodological construction that can prove that they are not Serbs.

He confirmed that before the Serbian cultural and spiritual heritage in Kosovo and Metohija, there was a Roman or Byzantine culture, and before that there were some other cultures, but notes that “there were no Albanians there.”

– The statutes of the Serbian monasteries in Kosovo and Metohija unequivocally confirm who their patron and sponsor was, and the lists of names in the statutes attest that only Serbs lived in the Metos, with a statistically insignificant presence of other ethnic groups, Đurić claims .

He noted that medieval Serbian monasteries are strongholds of Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija, because their very existence is irrefutable proof of who the country is and of the series of crimes, expulsions, Islamization and assimilation that led to the current ethnic structure in Kosovo and Metohija.

– I don’t think Albanians are inferior in any way in Kosovo and Metohija because they don’t have their own monasteries, because they also have their own rich culture to be proud of, but I am the strongest opponent of any attempt to appropriate the cultural heritage of someone else – added Đurić.

He recalled that the Serbian cultural heritage of the Nemanjic period reached such a high level that today it is deservedly part of the world cultural heritage, and “Albanians, if they want their culture to reach that level one day, must work on it, not manifest not culture appropriating “others”.

– I warn the inspirers of the attack on Serbian cultural heritage that if they want harmonious and friendly relations between Serbia and Albania, and I hope they will be possible in the future, they must respect the exclusivity and inviolability of Serbian culture in Kosovo and Metohija – concluded Đurić .

VIDEO: Illegal work around the Decani monastery
