KNOWN CONDITION OF ALEKSANDAR ŠARC: Two bullets shot him in the head, this is what they say from the Emergency Center


He has been in the Emergency Center of the Serbian Clinical Center since Saturday and his condition has not changed.

– He is in a difficult condition in the Intensive Care Unit – it was said in the Emergency Center.

So far, no operations have been performed on Sharq. Unofficially we have learned that the ambulance doctors managed to resuscitate him and transfer him to the Emergency Center, where he now hopes that his condition stabilizes, to remove two bullets from his head.

The attacker knew that Šarac was wearing a bulletproof vest, so he approached him from behind and shot him twice in the head with a silenced pistol.

Sharac drove his armored “Mercedes” to the mall, as he usually does.

– He parked the vehicle in the handicap spot and entered the building. After a few hours, he returned to the garage and headed to his car. The attacker then approached him and shot him twice in the head from behind, an unidentified source said.

As soon as Sharac fell, the killer probably thought the target had been killed.

– Then he ran slowly towards the exit of the garage. Meanwhile, he dropped a “golden” pistol, which had a silencer. He then fled in the direction of the Sava towards the Branko Bridge, where an accomplice was most likely waiting for him in the car, the source added.


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