Know who will attend ONLINE CLASSES and who will need a kindergarten certificate.


Some of the new measures introduced by the crisis staff for the fight against kovid 19 and the Government of Serbia have been revealed, but not those in which hundreds of thousands of parents are most interested and related to: schools and kindergartens.

Let us remind you, the working hours of cafes, restaurants, discos, bookmakers will be reduced from 6 pm on Tuesday, the number of passengers in public transport will be limited, all of which can be sent to work from home. ..

Dr. Predrag Kon proposed a temporary transition to online classes about ten days ago, but then did not find full support even among colleagues on the medical side of the crisis staff.

However, after a few days with more than 6,000 infected in 24 hours, many changed their minds.

Some local autonomous governments have already used insufficiently clear legal regulations and, after declaring a state of emergency, decided to close schools until further notice and send students to online classes. Such was the case with Vrbas, Paracin, Temerin, Bujanovac, but also with some educational institutions in Nis.

The Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, for the moment, cleverly avoids making a decision at the level of the entire country, defending itself with statistical data that shows that there is no greater contagion of students and teachers in schools, but it still seems a matter of days. to classes from home.

According to the latest information, in addition to students, high school students would certainly go online, the only dilemma is related to older elementary students, fifth to eighth grade, while currently the only ones in schools would be students youngest elementary school students, first to fourth grade students.

The current system, which leaves the decision to local governments, is possible in smaller communities, but difficult to implement in large ones, such as Belgrade, which has 17 urban and suburban municipalities, and where the decision must be made globally, for almost 300 educational institutions.

The parents of the little ones, those who attend preschool institutions, have no fewer worries. Namely, some cities, in order to relieve kindergartens in which there are a considerable number of mainly infected educators, have decided that only children whose parents are obliged to be in their jobs can take care of them.

With large numbers of employees moving to work from home on Tuesday, an increasing number of municipalities and cities will insist on mandatory parental confirmation. Otherwise they will not accept children.

– We are ready for any new measure if the crisis personnel bring it, but I think that the closure will not be necessary yet – said Slavko Gak, Secretary of Education and Child Protection of the City of Belgrade, a few days ago.

As we have learned unofficially, the decision on schools and kindergartens could be made in the next few days.

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