KNEZEVIC: Dritan spread the anti-Serbian atmosphere, Krivokapic said the same as Bozovic before the elections.


Knezevic points out that the decisions of the new government show, unfortunately, that they will follow the foreign policy course set by the DPS.

How do you rate Krivokapic’s decision to stick with the Djukanovic regime’s decision to ban Vladimir Bozovic from Montenegro?

– I think this is a measure that goes against the interests of the citizens who voted for Krivokapić and our political alliance on August 30. We have received a lot of support on the platform to improve relations with fraternal Serbia. Unfortunately, it seems to me that Krivokapić was one hundred percent Serbian on August 30, at least that is how he presented himself in the campaign, and on August 31 we learned that two hundred percent were Montenegrin. And the fact that he is not willing to annul the decision to expel the ambassador is another contradiction, because ten days before the elections, the Prime Minister spoke about the Assembly of Podgorica, as did Bozovic. That means he should persecute himself, but also me and the majority of Montenegro. He can tell himself how much Bozovic helped Krivokapic get elected prime minister. Bozovic spent more time with Krivokapic than at the embassy, ​​wanting to help him get elected prime minister, which is commendable. However, what Krivokapić is doing now is not commendable.

Does this Krivokapić twist surprise you? He announced a departure from Djukanovic’s anti-Serbian policy.

– The very fact that we have ministers in the government who voted for the DPS on August 30 speaks better of whether citizens are surprised. As for me, I noticed that after August 30 an anti-Serbian atmosphere was being created, which was propagated by Dritan (Abazović), that the DF Serbs could not cover any security department in the new government. That happened and now we have the consequences of such an attitude that the previous regime defended.

Are you afraid that with Krivokapic at the helm, relations between Serbia and Montenegro will not heat up?

– Obviously, there was no warm-up of relations because in my opinion Krivokapić should have had his first official visit to Belgrade, similar to what we announced in our campaign, that we want to improve relations with Serbia. The signing of several agreements that threaten the territorial integrity of Serbia and, who knows how many times, recognizes the so-called State of Kosovo speaks better that at this moment we have the continuity of the foreign policy for which the previous regime is known.

Controversial articles have been removed from the Religious Freedom Act. Whose victory is it?

– I would like to remind you that together with Metropolitan Amfilohije and Patriarch Irinej and tens of thousands of citizens who participated in the liturgies, we ask for the suspension of this law and the adoption of a new one. At this time, we have changes and additions to the existing one. We, as DF, are willing to support the changes if our SOC is also, if they believe that this will protect the shrines and ensure the uninterrupted work of our dioceses in Montenegro.

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