
Photo: Stefan Jokić, Printscreen
Although he was assassinated almost three decades ago, on October 28, 1992, in room 331 of the Hyatt Hotel, Aleksandar Knezevic Knele is still the subject of various stories and legends. Without a doubt, it became a legend and one of the symbols of the nineties. He was only 21 years old. His body was found on the ground, the killer shot him in the back of the neck and wrote “Number 1” in his blood on the wall.
Another symbol of the 1990s, Kristijan Golubović, a fierce ex-boy who spent decades in Greek and Serbian prisons, and is now a reality star, touched on Knelet and her relationship with him.
“Someone says now that Knele is an idol to me! How can Knele be my idol, who carried my bag to a fair fight and kept my left tire out of the blind ?! The legion that grew up with me, hierarchically in the Street”. , it was lower than me, the fact that then he became a legionnaire (French Foreign Legion), then SDG (Serbian Voluntary Guard of Arkan), then JSO (Special Operations Unit), that’s another story, “said Kristijan Golubović.

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Author: delivery courier