
Photo: EPA, Vladimir Milovanović
The KLA terrorist organization committed such cruel crimes on the territory of Kosovo and Metohija that even the most monstrous criminals would envy them. They killed every Serb, kidnapped, extracted organs in the “yellow house”, raped and tortured. This is what General Vladimir Lazarevic, retired colonel general, former commander of the VJ Pristina Corps during the war in Kosovo and Metohija and the NATO bombing of the FRY, told Kurir on the eve of today’s appearance before the KLA Crimes Tribunal in The Hague by Hashim Thaci and Jakup Krasniqi, former KLA leaders.

They destroyed entire families
Lazarevic points out that every normal person, on the occasion of the trial of these criminals, would say that it is good that there is justice, even if it is late. – They committed massive crimes in Kosovo, mainly in terms of ethnic cleansing, cleaned up dozens of Serb settlements. For example, just by Lake Radonjicko near Gjakova, the victims were discovered in the lake, they were thrown and tied with wires and chains, they were found submerged in septic tanks … They were very cruel to people. Furthermore, in a mountainous part of the village of Klecka, we discovered a crematorium with 21 Serbian victims. They raped a nine-year-old boy in front of his mother and they massacred her, they massacred civilians in Racak, they kidnapped people from private properties, little by little, that is why they had improvised prisons in Kosovo … They themselves said that they killed every Serb In addition to disloyal Albanians. Well wit to become a normal man what everyone did. They destroyed entire families, Serbs, Albanians and Roma … – claims by Kurir Lazarević.

He also emphasizes that it has been 20 years for the international community to realize that these until recently are fabulous politicians, liberators of Albanians, indeed criminals, and that they are now trying to bring them to justice.
Creepy testimonials
Snezana Zdravkovic Markovic (47) of Devet Jugovici near Pristina, whose father was kidnapped and killed, who was 53 years old at the time, also testified on behalf of Kurir about the monstrosities committed by the KLA leaders in Kosovo. – On June 24, 2000, my father was returning from Prokuplje, where I was with my family, wife and children, back home by car. Although he was in a convoy of vehicles, a dozen of them, followed by KFOR and UNMIK, were intercepted by Albanians in a van, pulled from the car and driven away, says Snezana with surprise.
Her father’s remains were delivered to her in Merdar in February 2007 and she was told that her father had been murdered in mid-July 2003. – The pathologist determined that she had skull injuries, more precisely that she had been massacred. And just a month after her abduction, she should have turned 54, says Snezana.

Jasmina Stolić, 39, lost her maternal grandmother, mother’s brother and father Ljubinko Stolić, Slobodan and Radmila Stolić in 2003. – That night, on June 3-4, a house in Obilić was broken into, They massacred them and finally tried to set the house on fire to destroy the bodies. I hope that justice comes after all these years – Jasmina told us.
The president of the Association of Kidnapped and Murdered Families in Kosovo and Metohija, Sima Spasic, despite the trial, is not convinced that the criminals are responsible for their actions.
Former KLA leaders Hashim Thaci and Jakup Krasniqi, charged with crimes against humanity in Kosovo and Albania in 1998-99, will appear before the KLA crimes tribunal in The Hague for the first time today. As provided by court rules, the investigating judge will read the indictment to Thaci and Krasniqi and ask them if they want to plead guilty. They may or may not be declared during the first appearance.

Do not miss it
From Monday, November 9, Kurir newspaper is giving away unique prayer books with gold printing to all readers.
Today, along with the Mail, you will receive a prayer book as a gift for the Lord Jesus Christ.
The prayer to the Lord asking for forgiveness is read every day, in the morning, after the usual prayer rule.
Also, this prayer can be read at any time of the day. In the symbol of faith sentence, the orthodox confession of faith is briefly but precisely expressed.
Tomorrow we will give a prayer book to Saint Nicholas, on Wednesday to the Blessed Mother of God, on Thursday to Saint Basil of Ostrog and on Friday to Saint Friday.

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Ivana Žigić

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Author: Ivana Žigić