After actress Milena Radulović spoke about the fact that she was raped by acting teacher Miroslav Aleksić, many celebrities supported her and then spoke about their unpleasant experiences.
Young actor Darko Ivić presented his experience from the acting academy to the public, revealing that he had the opportunity to see that the then teacher had a preference for his students.
– I was admitted to the academy in the class of a “great actor and teacher”, since he passed away, I will not say the name, but whoever wants – can find out who he is. Because every drunk who went on stage in Tito’s time was called ‘stone, bard of the theater’, etc. and I hoped that it would teach us the secrets of our profession, broaden our horizons, etc. I soon realized that the class was just a screen for personal promotion, spreading hatred towards colleagues and, of course, inappropriate behavior towards female students. I say, of course, because he was already known as someone who has a predilection for young girls. In class they used to hear phrases such as “kiss the teacher on the cheek”, “how does she know how to wear what the teacher loves”, and many times it was a joke to touch her thigh, neck, face … As I asked to someone who does not tolerate things like this, I am a colleague, why are we not going to ask for his removal, to which I got the answer that he ‘really does not believe it’ and that he is only joking? And I understand it. Fear. All of Serbia knows the name of this “theater bard”, who is now 19 years old to stop and prevent it. When I rebelled and opposed the teacher for doing that, I received a comment that he was “stupid”, “closed” and that he did not understand the joke – the young actor began his confession on the social network.

– And then, in the end, that “acting greatness” showed the right face: since he has known how to play martial arts for a long time, he asked me to go to court with him and after the trial look for the man with whom he is in dispute and threaten to monitor him. What does “and” do to think carefully if you want a new dispute with him. “I categorically refused, of course, saying that I was not anyone’s beater, not even my teacher. From that moment on, I was marked in class as the main problem, difficult to cooperate, stubborn and impulsive. Because I did not want to slap my grandfather’s man. And from my ‘dear teacher’, I got an acting 7 (to the amazement of the whole class that knows how I work) with the explanation of that he never managed to cope with my character. To which I replied: you never will. The person in question was soon replaced because all the scandals with him arose, and Olivera Viktorović Đurašković took the place of the teacher, who made our lives more beautiful as teacher and as a man, and he turned us into a class, for example. Soon the first commitments, roles, etc. began, etc. Then not everything is black or white. There are different people in our business, as in any other, and therefore, differ e experiences, write later on your Instagram profile.

– There is a great power play in our profession. Often teachers and older colleagues have a God complex and therefore allow themselves everything: from abuse, blackmail, bullying to emotional destruction and psychological abuse. There is a large percentage of those who, after studying and experimenting in the theater, shut themselves up completely and change their vocation because they do not want to participate in that circus. And I understand them. Someone is more sensitive and cannot bear it. But what we can all do as a new generation of actors is protect and defend each other. Let’s say what the powerful allow themselves. Getting in the way of daily abuse of women in our work. These are our companions and we are obliged to defend them. We can do a lot to start with – concluded Ivic.


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