Kisic Tepavcevic: Surveillance measures apply to returns from all countries


The deputy director of the “Trampoline” Institute, Darija Kisić Tepavčević, said that the sanitary supervision measures, which came into force yesterday at 6:00 p.m., apply to all countries, considering that in most European countries the epidemiological situation is more unfavorable than in Serbia.

She told TV Prva that she estimates that the risk of infection in Montenegro is 25 times higher than in Serbia, and in Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina between five and ten times higher, according to data from the European Center for Disease Control, which estimates the possibility of coronavirus infection in a period of two weeks.

Kisić Tepavčević also claimed that yesterday alone, 4,500 people reported returning from abroad to a specialized site, which they received around ten reports per minute, indicating that citizens acted responsibly.

He noted that the sanction for non-compliance with the new measures is “legally regulated” and did not specify what sanctions are prescribed for not reporting a trip. He pointed out that the Crisis Staff does not want to “emphasize punishment”, but rather personal responsibility.

“(A better situation in Serbia) should not make us sleepy … We shouldn’t talk about punishments at all, that’s not the point … No one can convince me that a possible sanction would be a greater incentive to apply than the desire to stay healthy. . (Appeal to conscience) should be enough, “said Kisić Tepavčević.

He added that citizens must not compromise with discipline in the glory period that is about to begin, and that classes for students are currently being organized with “the utmost caution.”

“We see that there are a couple of sporadic cases, which should make us happy, not arouse suspicion. If the disease occurs, no one should hide it, especially those who have this type of infection,” said Kisić Tepavčević.

He adds that the beginning of the academic year in the faculties will represent a greater risk, also due to the stay of the students in the student residences.

Read more about kovid-19 and the consequences of the pandemic in the country and the world on the page. Coronavirus.
