Kisic Tepavcevic: Slow down the departure of Serbian citizens abroad


The Minister for Labor, Employment, Veterans Affairs and Social Affairs, Darija Kisić Tepavčević, assessed that the main objective of the strategic documents in the field of economic migration is to stop the departure of Serbian citizens to work abroad, as well as to encourage the return of diaspora experts to Serbia.

In the videoconference “RE: Integrate – return and (re) integration: challenges during the Kovid-19 pandemic”, organized by the “Migration for development” project, implemented by the German Organization for International Cooperation – GIZ, he recalled that en In February of this year, the Economic Migration Strategy for the period 2021-2027 was adopted. year, announced the Ministry of Labor.

The objective of that strategic document, as noted by Kisić Tepavčević, is to strengthen institutional capacities, create a social and economic environment to curb the departure of healthy populations and strengthen ties with the diaspora, and encourage return migration.

With the support of GIZ, the attached Action Plan for the period 2021-2023 is being drafted. years.

The focus of today’s conference combines return and reintegration, on the one hand, and the challenges caused by the current Kovid 19 pandemic, especially when it comes to vulnerable categories of the population, including returnees, but also others. categories of the local population.

“It is extremely important to build a system to collect data on different categories of returnees, in order to create support programs for each of them in the right way,” said Kisić Tepavčević.

The minister said there are no official statistics, no relevant data on how many Serbian citizens are going to work abroad, as well as data on their gender, experience and age.

According to data from authorized agencies, from January to November 2020, around 1,000 of our citizens were employed through them, which is significantly less than in previous years, when an average of around 6,500 people from Serbia were employed annually through these agencies. .

In the same period, through the National Employment Service, around 1,500 of our citizens worked abroad, mainly in Slovenia and Germany. Regarding the employment of foreigners in Serbia, Kisić Tepavčević stated that from January to mid-November this year, more than 10,000 work permits were issued to foreign citizens, and since December 2014, when the Law on employment of foreigners, approximately 55,000 permits, mostly for workers from China, Russia, Turkey and Italy
