Kisic Tepavcevic revealed that NESTOROVIC often gives them HEADACHE: “He would be an excellent minister for optimism” | Society


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May 10, 2020 9:42 PM |

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Dr. Darija Kisić Tepavčević said on the “Hit tweet” program that Professor Branislav Nestorović is a great expert in his field, but …

Dr. Darija Kisić Tepavčević said on the “Hit tweet” program that Professor Branislav Nestorović is a great expert in his field, but she notes that he is not an epidemiologist and adds that he gave him a headache multiple times with his statements.

“The profession has never been behind the claim that it is the funniest virus. I have spoken in epidemiological vocabulary before and after, but it has not been heard as publicly as it says. It would be a great minister for optimism,” he said. . it’s Dr. Kisic.

She said that her statement that we should go out and get infected cannot be accepted.

“The virus is weaker and less likely to become infected, but conscious risk taking is unacceptable when the disease can be prevented,” said Kisic.

He points out that we cannot accept such a concept and form as the opinion of the profession, but he points out that the teacher is infinitely charming and that many would like it to be such a situation, but he also points out that it is not really an expert opinion.

“No epidemiologist has had a different opinion. Even he always agreed with the decisions of the crisis staff,” Kisic said, adding that we cannot consciously put ourselves at risk, especially when we know that a fatal outcome may occur.

Commenting on the vaccine, Jovanovic said there was nothing against people expressing their opinion, adding that Dr. Kisic said what the essence is and something that is generally left out.

“Professor Nestorović declares his position, but does not make decisions. They are made by the crisis headquarters for medical care and for us they are relevant decisions. This is a precedent in our lives,” said Jovanović.

As he says, it is now a phenomenon that is a consequence of the fact that we are an unfinished society.

“We keep saying that we want order in the country and we are not prepared for that ourselves. Whether we are talking about the Saber or this today. I think the people who did this today will be able to go out in 20 years and say what they did.” “The problem is when those who have responsibility for this country, out of personal stupidity, start threatening doctors from the footsteps of Parliament and challenging their measures,” said Jovanovic.

Jovanovic noted that everyone is entitled to an opinion, but not all are relevant.


Raznatovic said she has always supported what experts say, as well as not being a medical worker, but sticking to what they say.

“My whole family followed all the advice of our experts. We also take care of our pregnant wife and I believe that the advice of a doctor should be heeded,” said Raznatovic.

Mitrovic said that pluralism is precious and that it is good that there are different opinions on each subject.

“The best solutions are found in different ideas. It’s about our heroes. Keeping the nation in discipline is a great thing that ultimately did and paid off,” Mitrovic said.

As he says, Serbia had all the conditions for an epidemic to explode here, as if it were, he adds, a virus made for that.

He pointed out that there are around 80 thousand deaths in the United States, followed by France, Spain, Italy … He added that we are 15 times better than all those countries.

“Now we are discussing all of that, but I don’t want to get some nicknames again. If I hurt a doctor with my energy, I apologize to everyone this time, but that’s the normal communication between epidemiologists and doctors,” Mitrovic said.

As he says, he points out that obtaining collective immunity is not completely useless, adding that Nestorović said something from his clinical position that makes no sense.

Kisic said the profession says everything that is based on medicine and that we have to talk about certain levels of risk.

Jovanovic pointed out that the doctors did their job, nothing less and nothing more than that, and that, he added, it was a job on which the whole country depended.

“Also, they couldn’t do it alone, at one point he broke up with the doctors because political frustration was stronger than a sense of responsibility for fair play and elemental honesty. Then they started counting the percentages that Vucic will get if he leaves fewer dead bodies. what someone predicted, “said Jovanovic.

As he says, he never went to the doctor asking what party it was.

“Understand that damn truth, until we develop it in ourselves, respect the people who do their jobs, we will not be from the state. Politicians who do not understand that deserve contempt,” said Jovanovic.
