Kisic Tepavcevic: Necessary changes to the Volunteer Law


Analyzes of the ten-year implementation of the Volunteering Law have indicated that there is a need to improve the law, both in the normative part and in practical application, said the Minister of Labor, Employment, Veterans and Social Affairs, Darija Kisic Tepavcevic, at a conference on International Volunteer Day.

Kisic Tepavcevic pointed out that volunteering is a very important social activity, since it strengthens the most important values ​​of civilization: solidarity and social cohesion, and that is why volunteering must be strengthened, promoted and supported, the Ministry said in a statement. .

He thanked all the volunteers who have been helping the population day and night and selflessly for months, especially the vulnerable and most threatened groups in the conditions of a pandemic.

The analysis on the ten-year application of the Volunteering Law was carried out by the Working Group formed by the Ministry of Labor, Employment, Veterans and Social Affairs, it is added in the call.
