Kisi Tepavevi: I don’t know if we’ll ever be safe again


The deputy director of the Trampoline Institute, Daria Kisi, says that although we are currently one of the countries with the lowest risk of coronavirus.

Source: RTS



He notes that experiences in other countries have shown that this can change in a week.

“I don’t know if there will ever be time to say that we are safe, because wherever we have the virus circulating, the epidemiological situation is uncertain,” Kisieva said.

Daria Kisi stated that when we consider the epidemiological situation, the absolute numbers alone do not say much, but the incidence rates as a measure of the risk of disease in the population.

“During this week, this rate is clearly higher than last week, and the risk of disease is approximately 19 percent higher than during the previous week,” Kisieva said.

He pointed out that rates are still very low, with a value of less than 10 per 100,000, and that we are currently one of the countries with the lowest risk of disease.

“However, the experience of other countries has absolutely shown that this can change in a week. The experience of Slovakia, eka, Israel tells us that we must be prepared and do everything possible to maintain this epidemiological situation,” said the doctor.

“I don’t know if there will ever be time to say that we are safe, because wherever we have the virus circulation, the epidemiological situation is uncertain, but we have a significantly lower risk than all the countries in and around Europe,” Kisieva added.

“Going to celebrations and other events is the biggest risk factor”

Most of the new patients are from Belgrade, and Kisieva says the largest absolute number of patients in the largest city is logical, because it has the largest number of inhabitants. However, research has shown that most of them were infected during celebrations.

“The epidemiological examination of each confirmed case showed that it was mainly a trip to some celebrations and not events and that it was mainly a risk factor, and then there was a transfer within the family itself,” Kisieva explained.

He pointed out that that is why the Crisis File limited the work of the restoration facilities until 11 p.m.

“Now we hear stories often, so the virus cannot be transmitted before 11 at night? Of course it can be at any time of the day, if we put ourselves at risk of transmitting the infection. To the largest gathering and to increased risk behavior, “Kisieva said.

He added that in the future sporting events will be held without an audience, because at this time, when we have signs of increasing the trend in the incidence of the disease, any meeting of this type would be considered high risk.

The number of new patients is also growing in Kragujevac, Niu, Vranje, Kraljevo, and the doctor says that at the moment we do not have any place with an intensive sand-borne area, but that they are sporadic cases.

“Any potential reservoir of infection, that is, a person who has the virus at the time, can be a great nursery if we do not adhere to preventive measures,” he said.

Under the supervision of 71,000 people

When asked how many citizens are currently under surveillance, Kisieva said that when it comes to international passengers, more than 71,000 people are currently under surveillance, and 118 of them had certain symptoms after a self-assessment test that indicated the presence. of this viral infection. .

In recent days, as he himself says, the largest number of citizens who come to our country are from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and Croatia.

“Citizens have understood this role in an extremely conscientious and responsible way, and obviously this procedure is not even difficult and this method of supervision has proven to be extremely good,” Kisieva said.

Regarding the epidemiological situation in the car, he emphasized that they are extremely proud of our students and teaching staff, because they are obviously very complying with all the prescribed measures.

“We are already in the sixth week since the beginning of the school year and we have had almost only sporadic cases of the disease and they were mild forms of the disease with some mild symptoms or no symptoms,” Kisieva said.

He stated that since the beginning of the school year, 80 aliases in primary and secondary schools have been positive, 58 in primary and 22 in secondary.

“In primary schools, we had two groups, which meant there was a transfer in the school setting, four cases in Belgrade and two in Kragujevac, and when it comes to secondary schools, a group with two patients in one room and those rooms they were in online classes for a period of 14 days, “concluded Kisieva.
