KING NIKOLA’S COMMITMENT TO THE FEDERATION: He envisioned the Croatian land and crown for himself


Nikola’s demands were not only Boka Kotorska and Shkodra, but also Bosnia and Herzegovina, which, according to his interpretation, were “traditionally Montenegrin” countries.

However, the Montenegrin ruler’s authority was considerably diminished by the capitulation of his army in 1916. To get rid of that stain, he everywhere boasted that he saved Serbia from ruin and contributed to its victory. It did him more harm than good. All this showed how much the king of time did not understand the situation he was in and how much he alienated allied governments from himself with his actions.

Of the great powers, Italy was the only one that strongly supported these demands of theirs. Rome’s political interest in this attitude, in addition to the dynastic reasons that King Nikola Jelena’s daughter was the Italian queen, were Boka Kotorska and Lovćen as key strategic points. That is why Italy tried by all means to keep Montenegro in the sphere of its influence. There were even ideas in Rome that a confederation with Montenegro should be formed.


FOR THE REGION until yesterday, the only explanation for the Podgorica regime was that official Serbia was the main cause of the liquidation of the Montenegrin dynasty and the state. That is why the flood of articles, books, and public appearances exclusively claims that the Serbian army occupied Montenegro and does not mention the presence of French, English, Italian and American troops. Likewise, the role of the external factor in the loss of statehood is completely marginalized. And what was the role of Serbia in all this, the best answer was given by Dr. Dragoljub Zivojinovic, the best connoisseur of the European archives of that period, in the book “Montenegro in the struggle for survival 1914-1922″: ” What is written in the allied archives shows that the prominent role of Serbia in the process of the disappearance of Montenegro, despite all the uproar, was almost marginal. ” The allied governments made decisions without taking into account their proposals, wishes and demands, although they existed.

“It sounds paradoxical, but the indisputable fact is that Montenegrin officials spoke and worked against Serbia much more than against it.”

Just before the end of the war, in 1918, seeing that after the Corfu Declaration of 1917, the history of the creation of Yugoslavia assumed serious proportions, King Nikola sent a proclamation to the “Yugoslavs” in which he advocated a federation. The main message of this speech, with many empty and ornate words, was the observation that in the new state, if there is a monarchy, it will be headed by the Montenegrin Petrovic dynasty, which, according to him, has a ruling tradition of several hundred years, unlike Karadjordjevic. . In the proclamation, the Montenegrin sovereign envisioned the Croatian crown for himself, as he considered himself the only indigenous ruler of the Balkans.

He was carried away by the idea that he and Montenegro could become the center of the Yugoslav meeting. If the republican arrangement is agreed, the last ruler of Petrovic’s line asked that the post of president of the future federation be secured.

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