KILLING A NEIGHBOR WITH A HUNTING RIFLE Tragic end of a fight between childhood friends over a debt of 300 euros


A months-long fight between two childhood friends ended in tragedy Wednesday night through Thursday. Sasa Radovanovic (49) killed her neighbor Dragan Pavlovic (48) with a hunting rifle in Arandjelovac.

The murder occurred around 9 pm in the courtyard of Radovanović’s house. On that occasion, the suspect fired several shots, as we learned, with his father’s rifle.

Živorad Radovanović, the killer's father, shows where his son shot from Photo: Nebojsa Raus / RAS Serbia

Živorad Radovanović, the killer’s father, shows where his son shot from

The reason is the alleged debt of 300 euros, which the deceased lent Sasha at interest a few months ago, and then asked for increasing amounts of money.

The Kragujevac Superior Prosecutor’s Office ordered the arrest of suspect Sasa Radovanovic, who calmly waited for the police and handed over his weapon. He will be brought before the prosecutor on duty at ten o’clock on Friday.

    Sasa radovanovicPhoto: Private archive

Sasa radovanovic

According to Živorad Radovanović, the killer’s father who was in the house when the crime occurred, “Sasha went to play raffle that night and found him there.”

– My son came to the house, bloodied, and said that Dragan took him by force to Bukulja and beat him there. He returned to the raffle and said publicly that he would kill him – said the killer’s father to “Blic”.

        Dragan Pavlović Gaston Photo: Private archive

Dragan Pavlović Gaston

According to him, when his son returned home, a terrible crime occurred.

– When he appeared in the courtyard, he fired with a hunting rifle that was there. He fired once and hit him, then went down and fired again, for fear of not surviving and not getting revenge later. That man terrified us all, a neighbor also wanted to sell the house because of him. He’s from here, but he was in Bosnia until a year ago. When the crisis with the crown started, he came back and then started harassing us – says Živorad.

According to a Blic source familiar with the case, the victim and the killer have been at odds for years.

– Dragan abused him for “debts”. There was no way I could get out of the “vicious circle” – says our source.

Saša worked at “Knjaz Miloš”, where he received severance pay and has recently been working as a painter. The murdered Dragan had a file with the police, we unofficially found out. He was in jail for a time, a year and a half, for inflicting serious bodily injury, but not for drugs.

In April 2016, he beat a cook in Petrovac prison, while in custody, attacked Milomir B. dissatisfied with food.

Živorad, the killer's father, recounted what happened on the fateful nightPhoto: Nebojsa Raus / RAS Serbia

Živorad, the killer’s father, recounted what happened on the fateful night

Supposedly, he was looking for the best food, he insulted the cook and then attacked and hit him several times. After that, he was placed in solitary confinement.

Dragan Pavlović, alias Gaston, was acquitted by the Croatian Court of drug trafficking charges, while the same verdict sentenced his friend Goran Hajduković alias Čupko, former leader of Dinamo’s “blue bed boys”, to five years in prison for smuggling 170 kilograms of marijuana.

The final verdict was approved by the Dubrovnik County Court, which reduced the first instance sentence handed down by the Karlovac Municipal Court by two years.

I was in jail for murder

The murdered man was in prison in Serbia for the murder. That is, he struck the man and suffered fatal injuries during the fall. Pavlović himself spoke about this crime in Croatia.

“I spent 15.5 years in prison, 11 of them in complete isolation, and before being released I was released six months before,” Gaston said during the trial, adding that he took care of everything, “but I never had anything to do with it. with narcotics. ” had “.

Despite numerous threats, Sasa Radovanovic did not report Pavlovic to the police.
