KILLED THE KILLER INSTEAD OF HELPING ŽELJKA: A drunk ambulance driver from Doljevac ran over a young man in front of a house in the village of Šainovac


With a trembling voice, hoarse from crying, so the inconsolable Vesna Perić, mother of Željko Ristić (19) from the village of Šainovac near Doljevac, told us on Tuesday, who died on Monday around 10:30 p.m., just ten meters from the home, by car. found MP (38). He then fled from the scene of the accident, and as we learned from a source close to the investigation, the police learned that same night that a drunk driver was admitted to the Toxicology Department, so the control determined that it was the man who caused the accident and killed the young man.

– We waited for him to come back from work, but he wasn’t there – continues Dragica, Vesna’s mother, because her daughter no longer has a voice. – The bus you went through also passed, and is still missing. I called him several times, but someone rejected my call. Then I saw rotating lights through the window. I called my wife and in my pajamas I went out to the street. They didn’t let me come. I begged them to let me go, I screamed, “I don’t have a son.” Two policemen prevented me from approaching. Then we saw that he was our Zeljko, our only son. He was killed by a drunk driver and fled. Wrap us in black, close our house …

Dragica says they found out that the driver went to the Doljevac Health Center, where he normally works, and that he allegedly passed out there as much as he was drunk.

“They sobered him up, while our boy was lying in the street for half an hour, trampled like a kitten,” says Dragica as he hugs and kisses the photo of his grandson. – Instead of immediately coming to help Željko. Perhaps they could have saved him. It is said that the driver had three per thousand alcohol in his blood. What will life do to us now without our only son? How can I comfort my daughter while my soul cries … Vesna is divorced, she took care of it herself, we keep it like a little water in the palm of our hand. The whole town is crying today, the whole factory where he worked. There is no one who does not feel sorry for him.


According to the order of the Higher Public Ministry of Nis, the suspected MP was detained for up to 48 hours and will be brought before the prosecutor with a criminal complaint, the police announced. He is charged with the crime of endangering public traffic and failing to assist a person injured in a traffic accident.

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